
'Ignite presentation learner response'

  1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  Research- 1 music video/ magazine concept- 3 language: terminology and theory -3 representations- 2 audience and industry- 2 delivery- 2 total out of 30- 13  WWW & EBI: -really interesting genre- need to check if it will fit the mainstream genre. -Good knowledge of the genre and original artist -context/props may need some charges-weapons are a problem! Think about this when you develop your planning.  -some good points about lighting and camerawork. -Do you mean jump cuts or fast paced editing? -Interesting ideas for music magazine but again you need to make sure it meets the brief. -Audience- you can't target everyone ! Need to check the brie and develop this for your statement of intent -Nike shoe sponsor works but need to think about audience and brief in more detail. -Delivery loud and confident clear speaking. Just needed more rehearsal and less text on slides. Q&A:  

BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat: Blog tasks

  BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat: Blog tasks Newsbeat analysis Use  BBC Sounds to listen to Radio 1 . Select a Newsbeat bulletin (8am or 12.45pm are good options)  and then answer the following questions:  1) What news stories were featured in the bulletin you listened to? 2) How does Newsbeat appeal to a youth audience? 3) How might Newsbeat help  fulfil the BBC's responsibilities as a public service broadcaster?  Media Factsheet #246: BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat Read  Factsheet #246 BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat . You'll need your Greenford google login to access it. Answer the following questions: 1) How is the history and launch of Radio 1 summarised in the factsheet? If you studied this as part of GCSE Media you will already know much of this. 2) Look at page 3 of the factsheet. How is Radio 1 attempting to appeal to its 15-29 age demographic?  3) What did young people used to get from radio? Focus on audience pleasures / Uses & Gratifications here (see top of second column on page 3). 4) How h

MUSIC VIDEO: Post colonial theory

  Postcolonial theory: blog tasks Wider reading on race and Old Town Road Read  this W Magazine deep dive on the Yeehaw agenda  and answer the following questions:  1) What are the visual cues the article lists as linked to the western genre?  Of course, the visual cues associated with what could be classified as  western —cowboy hats, cow prints, rhinestones, and fringed suede jackets, to name a few—are certainly not limited to the likes of  Kacey Musgraves  or John Wayne. 2) How did the Yeehaw agenda come about?  3) Why has it been suggested that the black cowboy has been 'erased from American culture'?   Being a cowboy is mainly a white-dominated area. Given this information, the particular reason for the black cowboy being erased from American culture is because its not seen as American.  4) How has the black cowboy aesthetic been reflected by the fashion industry? Of course, the Yeehaw Agenda is sprawling, meaning it extends beyond the zones of Fashion Week.  Solange , a H

Music video:Lil Nas X - Old Town Road: Blog tasks

  Background and cultural contexts Read  this Vox feature and podcast transcript on Lil Nas X and Old Town Road . Make sure you read the whole thing - including the podcast transcript - then answer the following questions:  1) What is the big debate regarding Old Town Road and genre? Old town road defeats the genre. This is because its a black man singing country music but rapping. This has led to many debates whether this should be considered country music. 2) What do you learn about the background of Lil Nas X and Old Town Road from the podcast transcript? He is a 20-year-old rapper from Atlanta. Technically his birth name is Montero Hill, but he has been calling himself “Lil Nas X” for several years now. And last year he joined SoundCloud, as many people do. And by the end of the year in December he released a song called “Old Town Road.”  He bought a beat that had this sort of country-sounding instrumental to it. And he said he was living at home feeling very lonely, feeling like a

Introduction to radio: blog tasks

  BBC Sounds Read  this Guardian feature on the launch of BBC Sounds  and answer the following questions: 1) Why does the article suggest that ‘on the face of it, BBC Radio is in rude health’?  It has half the national market, with dozens of stations reaching more than 34 million people a week. 2) According to the article, what percentage of under-35s used the BBC iPlayer catch-up radio app? says just 3% of under-35s use the iPlayer catch-up radio app 3) What is BBC Sounds? BBC sounds is an app that allows for consumers to listen to radio. 4) How do audiences listen to radio content in the digital age? Through apps 5) What does Jason Phipps suggest is important for radio and podcast content aimed at younger audiences? He says there is a need to reconsider the entire tone of how the BBC tells stories, shifting away from rigid formality if it wants to attract the precious under-35 audience 6) Why does the BBC need to stay relevant? Purnell, a former Labour cabinet minister, says the corp

Editing practical video + planning

Editing video   Task list: planning 1) Decide who you will work with. Remember, the filming can be in pairs/groups but you  MUST edit individually .  I will work my friend Obadia and my other friend Ahmed to be the cameraman. 2) Discuss what your preliminary exercise will involve –  location ,  sequence of events , who will  act  etc. Location: Ravenor park sequence of events: Rajandeep will sit down and communicate with obaida. 3) Write a short  script  for the preliminary exercise. Remember, scripts outline movement and shots as well as dialogue. The  BBC Writer's Room  is a brilliant resource for tips and examples of TV script writing.  Here's a genuine TV script example from Luther  to check you are formatting your script correctly. Shot of Rajandeep walking. Sits on bench. Rajandeep] Its done obaida] Nod to communicate to audience that he has comprehended this information.  shot of obaida walking away.

Music Video introduction blog task

  This week's work requires  Media  Factsheet #69: Music Video . You'll need to log in to Google using your Greenford Google account to access this.  Read the factsheet and answer the following 10 questions: 1) What is the purpose of a music video? The purpose of a music video is to sell products, the most obvious  of which is the song featured in the video. However, other connected  products are also marketed by a music video. 2) How has the digital age changed the production and distribution of music videos? the development of new media technologies meant that music  videos, and the songs along with them, were more widely available  at any time. Videos could be uploaded to video hosting sites like  YouTube and viewed using portable media devices such as mobile  phones and iTouch devices, allowing audiences to see the video  and hear the song whenever and wherever they liked. 3) Which three major record labels are behind VEVO? What is VEVO and why was it created?  Sony Music