Cinematography practical video + blog tasks.

  This is the link for my cinematography video: 

Find the opening sequence to a film or TV drama of your choice on YouTube and embed the video in a blogpost called 'Cinematography blog tasks'. 

1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons. 

The scene starts of with a zoom into a characters face. This is a medium long shot going into a medium shot. The purpose of this is to address the character, as we can see this character has a confused look on their face meaning they might be out of their comfort zone right now.

2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?

Camerawork gives clues as they are how a character is presented without any dialogue. For example, if the camera is below eye level they are important but if the camera is looking down at the character they might not be important.  

Secondly, find and analyse one film or TV still image. Add the image to your blog post. 

- They are all wearing suits in a working class background with smoke all behind them. This shows that they are powerful people yet still loved by the community. When this was made a working class person hated the people in power, having them standing in the middle of the street and nothing being done by it shows maybe they are working class men themselves.
- The camera is below the eye level of the people standing in this photo. This was done to portray them as powerful people.

3) Analyse the camera shot/angle in the image and what it communicates to the audience

It is a medium long shot. This is powerful because it captures the characters and their setting.


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