Blog Feedback and Learner Response

 WWW: You’ve posted work to your blog including the most difficult piece of work so far – the practical mise-en-scene recreation. That recreation was an impressive piece of production work and you met the deadline despite not being in class for the screening. However, there is also some unfinished work here so we need to use this as a lesson in getting work fully complete.

EBI: Make sure you check the following and email me when everything is fully up-to-date:

Mise-en-scene analysis tasks:

Mise-en-scene LR task:

Your mise-en-scene analytical task offers a good level of detail for the still image analysis (nice link to your recreation too) but you then don’t analyse the two clips which is the second part of the work. Your film poster analysis is weaker as you write very little for each poster so just make sure you are writing in depth and detail for all analysis tasks moving forward.

LR: Complete all the missing/unfinished work and post it to your blog.

Reflect on your first month of Film & TV Language. What aspect of Film & TV language have you most enjoyed studying? The aspect I have enjoyed the most is Mise-en-scene. I enjoyed the process of the recreation of a movie scene as well as editing it. 
What is your strongest piece of work so far? My strongest piece of work is the recreation of a movie scene. This is because this was the first time i attempted to edit and film something.
 What is your weakest? My weakest work so far is my film poster analysis. This is because I haven't gone into that much detail on the analysis.
 What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop before we start coursework at the end of Year 12? I want to work on using more media key terminology and expanding on my answers instead of basic answers


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